How to Stop Dehumanization Before It Goes Too Far
Once societies become “hate-curious,” they've embarked on a path that can lead to genocide. But all of us can take action to halt this progression.
How to Get Good at Conflict
According to a new book, there are tools we can learn to help us sit with conflict and grow from it.
The Scientific Case for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
In light of attacks on DEI, we gathered articles that lay out the evidence in favor of fostering racially diverse and equitable schools, workplaces,…
How to Move Beyond Outrage Toward Understanding
Kurt Gray believes that by shifting our thinking from right and wrong to “harm,” we can feel less outrage and understand each other better.
How Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs Help White People, Too
While DEI programs may on the surface seem focused on certain groups, in fact they benefit people from all walks of life.
The Psychological Divide That Threatens Peace in Gaza
We interviewed hundreds of Israelis and Gazans about how they feel about each other and the future. The answers reveal a lot about how humans sort…
Even Your Political Opponents Want to Believe They’re Good People
Keith Payne believes politics is just a weapon we use to fight the real battle: defending our belief that we’re good, reasonable people.
Can We Build a World Where We All Belong?
john a. powell explains why we distance ourselves from groups of people and how we can all find the connection that we crave.