The Top 10 Insights from the “Science of a Meaningful Life” in 2023
Our team names the most provocative and influential findings published during this past year.
These are the most recent things on the site for the tag: Refugees.
You can view more tags here.
Our team names the most provocative and influential findings published during this past year.
When people find themselves displaced from their homes, finding or creating beauty is a human impulse that brings hope and resilience.
A new study finds that awe makes children more giving toward refugees—and more calm.
A new study reveals how tears shed by members of socially disadvantaged groups can elicit empathy and support.
This month, be calm, clear, and kind with others.
When we face large numbers of people in need, we almost instinctively pull back. By questioning this reaction, we can make space for a more…
Why do we vote? We explore the science behind what drives us to the polls, and the benefits we reap for ourselves and communities when we…