For the New Year, Try Cultivating Hope
According to Jamil Zaki’s research, hope is a better response to life’s challenges than cynicism.
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These are the most recent things on the site for the tag: Optimism.
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According to Jamil Zaki’s research, hope is a better response to life’s challenges than cynicism.
Researchers, nonprofit leaders, and other experts share what keeps them optimistic about a better future for American society.
Americans are stressed out by their presidential election. These questions will help you check in with yourself—and perhaps boost your resilience.
A new book explains the drawbacks of cynicism and how we can overcome it without being too naive.
A new study finds that students feel better in their first weeks of college the more they engage in kindness toward others.
A new book makes the case that hope is the right response when we are facing difficulties in our lives.
Educators can help young people develop the emotional and cognitive skills to address difficult moral conflicts.
In the chaos of life, it's helpful to remember that circumstances always change and we can improve our lives with effort.