The Psychological Divide That Threatens Peace in Gaza
We interviewed hundreds of Israelis and Gazans about how they feel about each other and the future of the region.
We interviewed hundreds of Israelis and Gazans about how they feel about each other and the future of the region.
With a few simple shifts in how you spend your time together, you can bring new energy to a longtime relationship.
Can a simple set of 36 questions build love and intimacy? We explore the science behind how the questions we ask and the way we listen shape our…
Why not use the holiday to promote a bigger idea of love?
A place-based educator in California invites his students to spend time in, observe, and document the wild nature around them.
If we're not careful, our beliefs, habits, and assumptions can get in the way of deep, fulfilling relationships.
Turning away from technology and cultivating a creative, mindful hobby can bring us a sense of calm and resilience.
Cultivate a sense of original love—a universal connection that nurtures joy, safety, and belonging—with meditation teacher Henry Shukman.
Our team names the most provocative and influential findings published during this past year.
A new book gives guidance on research-based ways to manage our emotions more effectively without suppressing them.
Here's what research says about the benefits and drawbacks of sleeping alongside your kids and partners.
This month, spread love in your corner of the world.
Greater Good’s editors pick the most thought-provoking, practical, and inspirational science books of the year.
Sometimes, the problem lies in anticipating a bad thing that may never happen. Here’s how to get a handle on this special kind of suffering.
This month, foster connection and understanding in your school with daily tips from the Greater Good Science Center.
Want to help friends and family follow through on their New Year resolutions? Christine Carter has seven tips for you.