Why We Should Share Our Good News (Not Just Our Struggles)
A new study suggests that when people respond enthusiastically to our good news, we feel more grateful and closer to them—especially as we age.
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A new study suggests that when people respond enthusiastically to our good news, we feel more grateful and closer to them—especially as we age.
For children, it's not always clear why, when, and how they should show kindness to others.
We asked fourth and fifth graders about how they think about kindness—and they were particularly attuned to compassion and inclusion.
Men have fewer friends these days, which can hurt their well-being. Here are expert tips for fostering those relationships.
A couples therapist recommends conversations to have—ideally before you move in—to avoid conflict and hurt feelings during cohabitation.
Evidence suggests that couples who combine their financial resources are happier than those who don’t—and they stay together longer.
Many of us are feeling a bit lonelier these days. These tips may help—some involving other people, and some you can follow all by yourself.
Here are some ideas for cost-free activities and traditions that can bring you delight, connection, and happiness this time of year.