How Awe Helps You Navigate Life’s Challenges
We explore how embracing awe can uplift caregivers, providing tools to nurture themselves while nurturing others.
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We explore how embracing awe can uplift caregivers, providing tools to nurture themselves while nurturing others.
In this guided meditation, Dacher Keltner helps us cultivate awe by focusing on new beginnings. Whether it’s a budding plant, a new…
Dance, one of humanity's oldest art forms, traces its roots back over 10,000 years. Its rhythmic movements are known to release endorphins,…
Feeling burned out? Join Dr. Kristin Neff as she guides us through a calming practice to bring kindness and support to ourselves during tough times.
Trouble sitting still? Learn to practice meditating by simply walking in this practice guided by 10% Happier host Dan Harris.
Meditation has proven benefits, but the style that works best depends on a person's habits and preferences. In this episode of The Science of…
Psychologist Dacher Keltner guides you through a practice to help you see the good things in your life that you might otherwise overlook.
One way to feel more thankful for things is to imagine life without them. Our guest tries a practice for seeing the bright side, even when…