How to Help Kids Deal With Obsessive Thoughts
Research suggests that children can learn to think differently about sticky, intrusive thoughts so they don't feel controlled by them.
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Research suggests that children can learn to think differently about sticky, intrusive thoughts so they don't feel controlled by them.
This month, look for reasons to be hopeful.
Parents can help mitigate some of the harm that social media may be doing to young people's mental health.
Three new studies look at what teens are curious about and what kind of responses they hope for in talking with friends and family.
Research suggests that savoring moments of connection can make us feel good and enhance our relationships—particularly for Latinos.
Psychologist Niobe Way argues that we need to pay better attention to what boys and men say they need socially and emotionally.
This month, help everyone feel like they belong.
Strong, supportive relationships with moms, dads, and nonparental caregivers are all vital for children’s healthy development.