Five Reasons to Replace Your Doomscrolling With a Hobby
Turning away from technology and cultivating a creative, mindful hobby can bring us a sense of calm and resilience.
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Turning away from technology and cultivating a creative, mindful hobby can bring us a sense of calm and resilience.
Happiness is multifaceted, and we should be wary of discounting pleasure and enjoyment as shallow or self-indulgent.
Cultivate more joy in your life with this practice led by meditation teacher and author Spring Washam.
Neuroscientists have taught rats to drive little cars in the lab—and they can teach us something about anticipation and joy.
This month, bring more light and love into your school with daily tips from Greater Good Science Center.
A new book explores why we should seek a “psychologically rich life” and how to do it.
A new study suggests that contentment is a positive emotion with some unique benefits for people who seek it.
Articles and podcast episodes to help you find joy, laughter, and rest this summer.