What Is Body Appreciation and How Can You Cultivate It?
People with high body appreciation tend to experience less depression and anxiety, and better sexual and life satisfaction.
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People with high body appreciation tend to experience less depression and anxiety, and better sexual and life satisfaction.
There's a different way to practice self-compassion if the typical reflective exercises don't work so well for you.
Being in front of a camera makes you objectify yourself and focus on your appearance, which is bad for mental health—especially women's.
Talking about mental health can help us reduce stigma and find support and connection.
Here's how to cope when all the negative news is triggering you.
Before you try any tips to reduce anxiety, you have to understand your own anxiety routines, a new book argues.
We can develop a healthier relationship with food and gain more control over what we eat.
A new book helps us to truly savor our treats without going overboard.