Other Episodes

Looking for a Preschool?

It's that time of year, when many parents are looking at preschools and try to make what is for some…

Fighting a lot?

Most spouses fight, but many do not know how to make-up in a way that repairs the relationship. Rona…

Gratitude for Lovers

Whether or not you are a romantic person, and whether or not you like Valentine's Day, here's my…

How Hectic Are Your Mornings?

Rona and I are frequently asked how parents and caregivers can make morning routines go more…

Is Yelling the New Spanking?

Most parents yell at their kids at one time or another, but as stress and exhaustion increase over…

Raising Forgiving Kids

Is your child having a hard time forgiving a classmate for hurting his or her feelings? If you've…

Giving Thanks

A new slew of tips from Rona and I for fostering gratitude--and combating entitlement--in our…

Working on the Weekend?

Are your weekends relaxing? Do you find time to rest and rejuvenate? If your answer was no, no, and…

Do You Have Enough Friends?

Feel like you no longer have any time for your friends? While you certainly aren't alone--especially…

Bullies, Bystanders, and Really Kind Kids

Is your kid a bully? Even if you've taught your children right from wrong, sometimes the kids of…

Dealing with “Sass Mouth”

Rona and I take another listener questions, this time from Nina, who writes: "Do you have any tips…

Keeping Kids Safe—and Happy!—on Facebook

Rona and I will talk about online safety and ways to create happiness for our children in these…

Getting Kids to Play by Themselves

This week, Rona and I take this listener question, from Anna: "I just watched your video about kids…

Getting in Good Habits, part 2

Rona and I continue last week's discussion -- and specific instruction -- for getting into a new…

Getting in Good Habits, part 1

It's one thing to know what you want to do to make your life better...and quite another to actually…

A Free Tool for Calmer Parenting

Mindfulness is an amazing tool for parents that both Rona and I use all the time. In this podcast,…

The Art of Saying No

Do you say "yes" every time someone asks you to do something? Rona and I discuss reasons to say "no"…

Best Back-to-School Tips

Rona and my best tips for smooth-sailing in the morning as we go back-to-school: no yelling, no…
