Other Episodes

Fostering Creativity in Kids

We often think of creativity as being a personality trait rather than a skill that we can foster in…


Looking for a Preschool?

It's that time of year, when many parents are looking at preschools and try to make what is for some…

Fighting a lot?

Most spouses fight, but many do not know how to make-up in a way that repairs the relationship. Rona…


Gratitude for Lovers

Whether or not you are a romantic person, and whether or not you like Valentine's Day, here's my…


How Hectic Are Your Mornings?

Rona and I are frequently asked how parents and caregivers can make morning routines go more…


How Hectic Are Your Mornings? (Tips)

Tips for a peaceful and easy morning routine


Is Yelling the New Spanking?

Most parents yell at their kids at one time or another, but as stress and exhaustion increase over…


Managing routines, sleep, and sugar intake so kids can thrive

The holidays are so fun, but many kids get really out of whack. How to manage moodiness and…



While fully appreciating the research on social connectivity and its relationship to well being, it is important to be cautious about over generalizing.  You make a passing comment suggesting perhaps extroverts, like yourself, may be happier than introverts since “social connections are easier for them”. Quoting from Psychology Today piece, “There’s no clear answer to this question. Current tests consistently rate extroverts higher on the happiness scale than introverts. However, many of these tests measure degree of happiness using activities like socializing and interacting with the outside world, both of which extroverts need to thrive! Introverts do experience happiness when they around other people, but are most happy when participating in lower-key activities. These are not accounted for on current tests and likely causes introverts to score lower.” Whole article: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/thrive/201205/are-extroverts-happier-introverts

Also, this book, Quiet, very useful:  http://www.thepowerofintroverts.com/about-the-book/

I realize it was just a tiny passing comment in the podcast, but felt it important to clarify/point this out in a culture that has idealized the extrovert style and under-valued the introvert in recent years.

Pam | 12:15 pm, November 9, 2012 | Link


I love this comment and think you’ve made a very
important point! Thank you for adding some of the
complexity of the issue, and not letting me just gloss
over it.


Christine Carter | 11:38 am, November 12, 2012 | Link