When will it ever stop?

Moms Demand Action gather on the steps of the Minnesota capitol to call attention to the issue of gun violence in 2018. © Fibonacci Blue / CC BY 2.0

As gun violence gets worse in the United States, many of us feel overwhelmed by helplessness and anger.

We feel that, too, at Greater Good. But we know that change is possible, and that what we do as individuals matters. We’ll keep doing what we can to encourage people to take care of each other, see the good in ourselves and others, and understand the research that will help us to make better decisions.

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Here are some resources that might help you make sense of gun violence, talk with kids about traumatic events, and take action for change. 

Click to jump to a section:

Understanding gun violence
Resources for parents and educators
Tips for activism and hope
Organizations to support or get involved in

Understanding gun violence

Resources for parents and educators

Tips for activism and hope

Organizations to support or get involved in

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