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I’m incredibly touched inside by the incredible work coming from the Greater Good Science Center. This is so important for us to know! Thank you Dacher and everyone involved!
Karyn Krause Amore (Amore Empowerment Services,

Karyn Krause Amore | 8:50 am, October 13, 2010 | Link


This work challenges us to rethink our social norms about classroom and workplace touching. We’ve moved so far away from touch for fear of harrassment that it’s difficult to reintroduce touch into these environments. I’d love to hear about school programs that are working directly to acknowledge the benefits of touch, and how they communicate the intent and best practices involved.

Gail Ford | 9:15 am, December 19, 2010 | Link


thanks very gooood very man bb

لمسة حب | 4:35 pm, July 23, 2012 | Link