Four Tips for a Successful Digital Detox
These strategies can help you when you want to take a planned break from screen time or social media.
These are the most recent things on the site for the tag: Stress.
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These strategies can help you when you want to take a planned break from screen time or social media.
There is a growing movement of health care providers prescribing social activities and community engagement to patients, not just pills.
Here's what research says about the benefits and drawbacks of sleeping alongside your kids and partners.
This month, start the year with kindness.
This month, foster connection and understanding in your school with daily tips from the Greater Good Science Center.
A new study finds benefits to forgiveness for mothers of children with disabilities.
This month, bring more light and love into your school with daily tips from Greater Good Science Center.
Providing compassionate care isn't just a choice that health care workers make; it requires larger systems and leaders to support it.