For the New Year, Try Cultivating Hope
According to Jamil Zaki’s research, hope is a better response to life’s challenges than cynicism.
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According to Jamil Zaki’s research, hope is a better response to life’s challenges than cynicism.
Greater Good honors Frans de Waal, Daniel Kahneman, and Philip Zimbardo.
Depending on your situation, a life coach may or may not be the right person to help you.
What can African American history tell us about the cultivation of well-being?
Want to become more creative? Try cultivating courage, perseverance, humility, ethics, and purpose.
Psychologists are questioning whether our current understanding of well-being is too limiting and what else is important for a good life.
Our team names the most provocative and influential findings published during this past year.
A new study suggests psychological tips aren’t enough. Policies need to address structural inequities so everyone can flourish.