Five Reasons to Replace Your Doomscrolling With a Hobby
Turning away from technology and cultivating a creative, mindful hobby can bring us a sense of calm and resilience.
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Turning away from technology and cultivating a creative, mindful hobby can bring us a sense of calm and resilience.
A new book gives guidance on research-based ways to manage our emotions more effectively without suppressing them.
The way we communicate with children when someone dies can help them process the loss and be more comfortable with the topic in general.
Sometimes, the problem lies in anticipating a bad thing that may never happen. Here’s how to get a handle on this special kind of suffering.
Research suggests that children can learn to think differently about sticky, intrusive thoughts so they don't feel controlled by them.
Research on crying helps explain why humans cry, as well as how it can improve our overall well-being.
We can soothe and care for ourselves when there's a painful gap between the way things are and the way we want them to be.
Parents can prepare themselves to have difficult conversations with children about humanitarian crises.