Other Episodes

Fostering Creativity in Kids

We often think of creativity as being a personality trait rather than a skill that we can foster in…


Looking for a Preschool?

It's that time of year, when many parents are looking at preschools and try to make what is for some…

Fighting a lot?

Most spouses fight, but many do not know how to make-up in a way that repairs the relationship. Rona…


Gratitude for Lovers

Whether or not you are a romantic person, and whether or not you like Valentine's Day, here's my…


How Hectic Are Your Mornings?

Rona and I are frequently asked how parents and caregivers can make morning routines go more…


How Hectic Are Your Mornings? (Tips)

Tips for a peaceful and easy morning routine


Is Yelling the New Spanking?

Most parents yell at their kids at one time or another, but as stress and exhaustion increase over…


Managing routines, sleep, and sugar intake so kids can thrive

The holidays are so fun, but many kids get really out of whack. How to manage moodiness and…



An interesting podcast! I think one of the keywords to illustrate the right meaning of this ‘happiness goal’ is to add *lasting* as a qualification (which also distinguishes it from instant gratification). Because of this focus on the long-term, it brings back the importance of the ‘happiness being a skill’ idea as well as answer some of the confusion stemming from the ‘wrong happiness’ view, as well explained with the example of the father letting his 2 years old watch as much TV as he wants, as given in the show…

Simon Lacoste-Julien | 10:12 am, March 30, 2012 | Link


Interesting. I don’t think that happiness is a “thing in in itself,” but rather the derivative experience of beng able to cope with the normal life tasks both children and adults have to confront in life. Among those are coping with oneself, coping with others, coping with our past, and coping with God (spirituality). Teaching children to develop the personality traits needed for effective coping will go a long way to helping them acheive ongoing happiness. In addition, negative experiences can be the necessary incentives to learn and grow.

Loren E Pedersen, PhD | 10:53 am, April 4, 2012 | Link


An interesting podcast! I think one of the keywords to
illustrate the right meaning of this ‘happiness goal’ is
to add *lasting* as a qualification (which also
distinguishes it from instant gratification). Because
of this focus on the long-term, it brings back the
importance of the ‘happiness being a skill’ idea as
well as answer some of the confusion stemming from
the ‘wrong happiness’ view, as well explained with
the example of the father letting his 2 years old
watch as much TV as he wants, as given in the show…

شات صوتي | 7:25 am, May 24, 2012 | Link



دردشة صوتية | 7:26 am, May 24, 2012 | Link