This spring, Greater Good ran its first-ever happiness video competition, inviting submissions from the 400-plus students enrolled in “Human Happiness,” a UC Berkeley psychology class taught by Greater Good Science Center Faculty Director Dacher Keltner.

Relationship Happiness with Sharkee

Earlier this week we featured the winning submission, the charming Bill’s Story. Yesterday, we presented the four runners-up.

Today, check out the four other finalists that earned an honorable mention for their work.

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Watch, enjoy, leave a comment below—then learn more about our happiness video contest, including our criteria and judges for the videos.

Green with Happiness, Not Envy, by Chris Chin


Human Happiness, by Grace Choi


Relationship Happiness with Sharkee, by Nyx Robey


A One Minute Guide to Happiness, by Sheba Plamthottam

Want more happiness? If you’re a student or faculty member at another school, email us if you’re interested in bringing a similar happiness video competition to your community.

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I wonder if the course has varying defenitions for Happiness. I think it can mean different things to different people. Wasn’t it mentioned somewhere about east coast positive psychology versus west coast happiness studies? The former seem to be rather dry and morose, quite honestly. One east coast person mentioned that small things like ice cream are “wrong answers” when it comes to happiness because friends and family are what’s important.

I don’t know about that. When someone’s having a lousy day or people let you down, something small like watching birds or eating ice cream can make all the difference.

Amelie | 11:46 am, May 21, 2012 | Link

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