Headshot of Vicki

Happy holidays! This month, I explored how awe-inspiring music, art, nature, and people can help students feel more connected to something larger than themselves—a timely subject for this season of unity and togetherness.

You might also enjoy another piece for the holidays: how teachers can help their students give more meaningful gifts.

And if you want to get into the holiday spirit, please consider supporting the Greater Good Science Center by joining or renewing as a member—and with a new or increased gift you can help a teacher attend our new Summer Institute!

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Wishing you a holiday season filled with joy and peace.


Vicki Zakrzewski, Ph.D.
Education Director, Greater Good Science Center

Also new this month in Greater Good Education…

The Greater Good Summer Institute for Educators
Registration is now open for the GGSC’s first 5-day Summer Institute to equip educators with social-emotional learning tools that will benefit both students and teachers.

How to Foster Gratitude in Schools
When students are thankful, they feel more connected to schools and teachers.

Can Educators Cultivate Ecological Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence author Daniel Goleman argues in a new co-authored book that schools are the best places to cultivate an understanding of our relationship to the natural world.

If you would like to receive the monthly Greater Good Education Newsletter, sign up here.

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