Madeline Toubiana

Madeline Toubiana, Ph.D., is associate professor and the Desmarais Chair in Entrepreneurship and Organization at the University of Ottawa.

She studies what stalls and supports social change and innovation. More specifically, she examines the role of emotions, institutional processes, entrepreneurship, and stigmatization in influencing the dynamics of social change. While she explores change processes in large organizations and institutions, like in academia, most of her research examines how marginalized and/or stigmatized actors can be better included in change processes, and what might support them in doing so. As such, some of her previous and current work has studied social enterprises, the prison system, the sex trade, unemployment, nonprofit organizations, and taxi driving. Her most recent work has begun to explore the role of entrepreneurship in supporting destigmatization and social change for individuals facing extreme stigma and discrimination. Her work has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Annals, Annual Review of Sociology, Organization Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Management History, and Journal of Management Learning, among others.

She is on the editorial review board for Academy of Management Journal and Organization Studies.