Jackie Musgrave, Ed.D., is associate head of school with responsibility for learning and teaching in the School of Education, Childhood, Youth and Sport (ECYS) in the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies at the Open University. She leads on academic conduct in school and co-chairs the faculty-wide Academic Integrity Implementation Group.

Jackie is a principal fellow of AdvanceHE.

In July 2021, Jackie was appointed associate head of school for ECYS, leading on learning and teaching.

Jackie completed her M.A. in early childhood education and doctor of education at the University of Sheffield. Jackie’s research explores issues relating to the health of babies and children, reflecting her previous professional experience as a general and pediatric nurse.

Jackie moved into teaching in further education in 1996 and gained extensive experience as course leader for the foundation degree in early years, developing her understanding of pedagogical approaches to including students in their learning as part of the widening participation agenda. Jackie had five very happy years at the University of Worcester, as course leader for the B.A. (Hons) early childhood professional practice degree, and then extended her knowledge and experience of academic leadership as assistant head of the Centre for Children and Families.

Jackie joined the Open University in 2017, as programme lead for the early childhood degree, then she took on leadership of the education studies (primary) degree in 2018, before taking on her current role in August 2021.