We've all done it: threatened a consequence in the face of our children's misbehavior that we don't intend to follow through on. In this podcast, Rona and I discuss why not following through makes our kids insecure, and what we can do instead.
Relationships can influence children's success and well-being in life. Here are five elements that children need in healthy relationships with adults.…
The holidays are so fun, but many kids get really out of whack. How to manage moodiness and…
I really appreciated this podcast, since we have a very impulsive son (sensory issues and a learning disorder) and I have a question: we’re having trouble coming up with a consequences that don’t feel like punishment for him, i.e. “logical” consequences, and we struggle with when to give them simply because he is so impulsive and he is often too wound up with feeling to stop himself from doing it a second (or hour or whatever) later. He easily feels hurt and consequences can feel so punishing in that frame of mind. Do you run into this with your girls, and taking away screen time?
I really appreciated this podcast, since we have a very impulsive son (sensory issues and a learning disorder) and I have a question: we’re having trouble coming up with a consequences that don’t feel like punishment for him, i.e. “logical” consequences, and we struggle with when to give them simply because he is so impulsive and he is often too wound up with feeling to stop himself from doing it a second (or hour or whatever) later. He easily feels hurt and consequences can feel so punishing in that frame of mind. Do you run into this with your girls, and taking away screen time?
Sue | 8:33 am, August 10, 2012 | Link