The Giants won the World Series!!! All is right with the world.

Image alt text, description missing Yourrrrrrrrrrrr starting pitcher for
the 2031 San Franciscooooooo Giants!
© Brian, SF

Got Gratitude?  Want to share it with others?

Welcome to our community gratitude journal, open to all who’d like to express their thanks or share a happy thought. 

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Here’s how it works: every week we post a photo submitted by one of our readers along with all the happy and thankful comments gathered throughout the week. 

To contribute, email your “shout out” or your favorite photo to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

You can also contribute by commenting at the bottom of this post—we’ll pick out a few favorites for next week’s posting.  Please include: your name if you’d like us to use it and any other info you’d like us to list, e.g., if the “gratitude” is from one of your children, it would be great to know his or her age.

I am happy for a free afternoon with a caramel latte in a cafe by the beach!

Just stepped off the plane in Oahu and into the arms of my cousin. My first visit I was 17 and she was in elementary school - now I’m getting to know her 1 yr old boy and reconnecting with his preschooler sister. So glad I chose a career that brings me to these beautiful places - and feel blessed to have family around the world.

I am very thankful for a delicious meal with a dear friend on her birthday. It made me happy to see her content and feeling special and for a moment forgetting about her many troubles
Rosalia Wilkins

I’m happy the SF Giants organization sent its 393 employees (and a friend) to the last World Series game in Texas and gave them priority seating (plus 3 friends) for today’s ceremony.  It just goes to show it’s not just the team on the field, it’s the team behind the scenes that can make a difference, too.  I’m proud that the Giants appreciate the people who work so hard for them.
Giants fan

I look forward to finding that peace.
Laura Domash

I’m glad we made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies tonight.
Elizabeth, age 8

I’m grateful to have wonderful mentors in my life, such as my yoga instructor.  She’s my angel.  I’ve called her when I was crying after being slighted.  She was training me when I found I could do a headstand, when at first I thought I couldn’t. She went costume shopping with me for my first dance performance.  And others also say how sweet she is; she’s the reason they do yoga.  She’s my teacher, friend and “sister” all at once!

Congratulations to my niece who gave birth to a beautiful boy and girl on Monday.  Yay for twin moms!
Marian, TX

Im happy knowing that however difficult my divorce will get in the months to come, everything will be okay and I will make it through it. I’m happy I have three amazing sons and I intend on raising them with every ounce of love I have! I’m happy believing I CAN DO IT!

I was able to vote yesterday for many people/items that lost. While certainly I would rather have had all my choices and positions prevail, I am deeply grateful that we as a nation—despite the vitriol we can’t seem to avoid hearing—came together peacefully and had a say.

I raked a mountain of leaves this morning to share with the neighborhood kids!


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