What Can We Do to Stop Conspiracy Theories?
Folklorist Timothy Tangherlini explains how certain basic human drives, coupled with social media, fuel the spread of conspiracies.
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Folklorist Timothy Tangherlini explains how certain basic human drives, coupled with social media, fuel the spread of conspiracies.
If we're not careful, our beliefs, habits, and assumptions can get in the way of deep, fulfilling relationships.
Turning away from technology and cultivating a creative, mindful hobby can bring us a sense of calm and resilience.
A new book gives guidance on research-based ways to manage our emotions more effectively without suppressing them.
Sometimes, the problem lies in anticipating a bad thing that may never happen. Here’s how to get a handle on this special kind of suffering.
Research on "blue health" finds that being near natural bodies of water has benefits for our physical and mental health.
Research finds that if our language shows someone we're open to their perspective, they are more likely to be open to ours.
Researchers and psychologists weigh in on why we deceive our romantic partners and how to be more honest and authentic.