Bridging Differences Quiz

We humans have a deeply rooted tendency to organize ourselves into groups: You’re either one of Us or part of Them. But research suggests those categories are not fixed. We can expand our sense of Us and see Them in a new light.

Bridging those differences often requires a mix of intention, the right social conditions, and specific skills, but studies show that it is possible—and that doing so will enrich our lives and communities.

How open are you to connecting with different kinds of people? How skilled are you at expanding your social circle beyond people who seem most like you? How comfortable are you with disagreement with people whose views differ from your own?

This quiz will help you answer those questions. It is based on several scientifically validated scales: the “Tolerance for Disagreement Scale” developed by Jason J. Teven and his colleagues, and the “Bridging Social Capital Questionnaire,” developed by Ester Villalonga-Olives and her colleagues.

Please answer the questions below as honestly as possible; there are no right or wrong answers. The last seven questions are about you, and will be used to explore how bridging differences relates to factors like age and gender. Individual responses to this quiz are anonymous and will not be shared. 

When you're done, you'll get your score and find resources for cultivating your bridging skills.

Any responses submitted here will never be shared with any organization outside the Greater Good Science Center under any circumstances, ever. All responses are anonymized and only used in aggregate for evaluation purposes.

Take The Quiz

Outside of work, how often do you socialize (e.g., engage in leisure activities, visit each other's homes, talk on the phone or on Zoom) with people of a different nationality or a different racial/ethnic background than you?
How often do you socialize with people who have different political opinions than you?
How often do you socialize with people who have different education levels or income than you?
I don't like to be in situations where people are in disagreement.
I prefer being in groups where everyone's beliefs are the same as mine.
I can almost always see where someone else is coming from.
I am intrigued by cultural and ethnic differences; people who come from a different background are often more interesting to me.
People who look different and act in ways I do not understand make me very uncomfortable.
For me, it is best to ignore cultural differences. I believe it would be better if we were all just the same.
When I meet someone who is different from me in some way, I am curious about them and I will ask questions to get to know them better.
When I meet someone who is different from me in some way, I will try to understand what we have in common and what goals we might share.
I want my group (my race, gender, profession, etc.) to get ahead of other groups at any cost.
As long as my group is doing OK, I don’t care about the well-being of other groups.
What is your age?
Please select your ethnic background (if you identify with more than one ethnicity, select the one you identify with the most, or select multiethnic).
In terms of your gender identity, do you see yourself as:
What describes your highest level of education?
Which best describes the neighborhood in which you live?
Please provide your best estimate of your annual household income in USD (before taxes).
How would you describe your political views?

Teven, J. J., Richmond, V. P., & McCroskey, J. C. (1998). Measuring tolerance for disagreement. Communication Research Reports, 15, 209-217.

Kteily, N. S., Hodson, G., Dhont, K., & Ho, A. K. (2019). Predisposed to prejudice but responsive to intergroup contact? Testing the unique benefits of intergroup contact across different types of individual differences. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 22(1), 3–25.

Villalonga-Olives, E., Adams, I., & Kawachi, I. (2016). The development of a bridging social capital questionnaire for use in population health research. SSM - Population Health, 2, 613-622.

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