Awe Quiz
Could your life be more awesome?

The scientific study of awe is relatively new; the Greater Good Science Center’s director, Dacher Keltner, has been one of its pioneers. Already studies have linked it to better health and increased generosity, and researchers are zeroing in on how to cultivate more of it in our everyday lives.

But how much awe do you experience in your life?

This quiz will help you find out. It includes items from three scientifically validated scales, along with some new items created for this quiz by Greater Good Science Center staff and members of Dr. Keltner’s Berkeley Social Interaction Laboratory.

The quiz contains a total of 21 questions. Please answer them as honestly as possible—there are no right or wrong answers. The first 15 will be used to measure your level of awe; the last six will be used by our research team to understand how awe relates to factors like age, gender, and socioeconomic status. When you're done, you'll receive your awe score, along with feedback interpreting this score and tips for experiencing more awe.

Any responses submitted here will never be shared with any organization outside the Greater Good Science Center under any circumstances, ever. All responses are anonymized and only used in aggregate for evaluation purposes.

Take The Quiz

1. I am fascinated by people, music, art, or nature that evokes a sense of wonder in me.
I am fascinated by people, music, art, or nature that evokes a sense of wonder in me.
2. I avoid experiences that are unpredictable or out of my comfort zone.
I avoid experiences that are unpredictable or out of my comfort zone.
3. I seek out experiences that challenge my understanding or expectations about the world.
I seek out experiences that challenge my understanding or expectations about the world.
4. I look for and nurture the moments that inspire awe in me.
I look for and nurture the moments that inspire awe in me.
5. I am rarely surprised or moved by things I see or experience in life.
I am rarely surprised or moved by things I see or experience in life.
6. I get caught up in the wonderment of life.
I get caught up in the wonderment of life.
7. I feel a positive, emotional connection to nature.
I feel a positive, emotional connection to nature.
8. When people say “Wow” about a vista or sunset, I just don’t get it.
When people say “Wow” about a vista or sunset, I just don’t get it.
9. When I see natural beauty like Niagara Falls, I feel like a child who is awestruck.
When I see natural beauty like Niagara Falls, I feel like a child who is awestruck.
10. I don’t really feel much when I encounter people, art, or scenes in nature that others consider exceptional.
I don’t really feel much when I encounter people, art, or scenes in nature that others consider exceptional.
11. I take many opportunities to explore the beauty of nature.
I take many opportunities to explore the beauty of nature.
12. When I see someone do something incredible, I feel tingles down my spine.
When I see someone do something incredible, I feel tingles down my spine.
13. It’s hard for me to think of anyone who really impresses or inspires me.
It’s hard for me to think of anyone who really impresses or inspires me.
14. I often marvel at how amazing it is to be alive.
I often marvel at how amazing it is to be alive.
15. I often feel childlike wonder in the face of new experiences, ideas, or scenes of nature.
I often feel childlike wonder in the face of new experiences, ideas, or scenes of nature.
16. What is your age?
What is your age?
17. In terms of your gender identity, do you see yourself as:
In terms of your gender identity, do you see yourself as:
18. Please select your ethnic background (if you identify with more than one ethnicity, select the one you identify with the most, or select multiethnic).
Please select your ethnic background (if you identify with more than one ethnicity, select the one you identify with the most, or select multiethnic).
19. Please provide your best estimate of your annual household income in USD (before taxes).
Please provide your best estimate of your annual household income in USD (before taxes).
20. How spiritual are you?
How spiritual are you?
21. Which best describes the neighborhood in which you live?
Which best describes the neighborhood in which you live?


Adler, M. G., & Fagley, N. S. (2005). Appreciation: Individual differences in finding value and meaning as a unique predictor of subjective well beingJournal of Personality, 73(1), 79-114.

Catalino, L. I., Algoe, S. B., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2014). Prioritizing positivity: An effective approach to pursuing happiness? Emotion, 14, 1155.

Shiota, M. N., Keltner, D., & John, O. P. (2006). Positive emotion dispositions differentially associated with Big Five personality and attachment style. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1, 61-71.

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