Hear The Science of Happiness Podcast

On each episode of our podcast, a guest tries a Greater Good in Action practice to boost their well-being. Listen to our most recent episodes — and subscribe to The Science of Happiness for more stories of greater good in action.

Happiness Break: A Meditation on Cultivating Awe Through Colors

Experiencing awe can help us slow down and connect to the world around us. So how can we…

How Birdsong Can Help Your Mental Health (The Science of Happiness Podcast)

Hearing birdsong can help us feel less anxious, recover from stress faster, and even reduce…

Happiness Break: A Meditation on Pilina: Our Deep Interconnectedness, With Jo Qina’au

Pilina is an indigenous Hawaiian word, or concept, that describes our deep…

Are You Remembering the Good Times? (The Science of Happiness Podcast)

Thinking about happy memories activates reward centers in our brains, and can help us feel…