Mindfulness-Based Therapies for Children & Adolescents (JFKU)

Introduction to mindfulness-therapies at JFK Univ.

  • Venue: John F Kennedy University
    Pleasant Hill Campus, Room S224
  • Date: October 4, 2014
  • Time: Saturday, 9am-4pm
  • Price: $159

Develop a basic understanding of mindfulness-based therapies, including ACT, DBT, MBSR & MBCT, for children and adolescents presenting with anxiety disorders, problematic anger and depression. Through lecture, case studies, mindfulness exercises, and discussion, become familiar with the theoretical models underlying ACT, DBT, MBSR & MBCT; the evidence supporting its effectiveness for children and adolescents; a practical clinical model for assessment and case formulation across mindfulness-based therapies; and a series of helpful interventions for children and adolescents.

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