Forgiveness Quiz

How forgiving are you? When someone hurts you, are you more likely to turn the other cheek--or slash their tires?

The quiz below draws on a scale created by forgiveness research pioneer Michael McCullough and his colleagues, offering insight into how we respond to those who do us wrong.

Before starting the quiz, think about someone—a friend, a spouse, a family member, a co-worker—who has hurt you. Then respond as honestly as possible to the following 12 questions with that person in mind, indicating how much you agree or disagree with each statement.

When you’re done, you’ll learn your score and what it suggests about your typical response when someone mistreats you.

Any responses submitted here will never be shared with any organization outside the Greater Good Science Center under any circumstances, ever. All responses are anonymized and only used in aggregate for evaluation purposes.

1. I’ll make them pay.
I’ll make them pay.
2. I keep as much distance between us as possible.
I keep as much distance between us as possible.
3. I wish that something bad would happen to them.
I wish that something bad would happen to them.
4. I live as if they don't exist, aren't around.
I live as if they don't exist, aren't around.
5. I don’t trust them.
I don’t trust them.
6. I want them to get what they deserve.
I want them to get what they deserve.
7. I find it difficult to act warmly toward them.
I find it difficult to act warmly toward them.
8. I avoid them.
I avoid them.
9. I’m going to get even.
I’m going to get even.
10. I cut off the relationship with them.
I cut off the relationship with them.
11. I want to see them hurt and miserable.
I want to see them hurt and miserable.
12. I withdraw from them.
I withdraw from them.