Happiness at Work Quiz

Many of us probably don’t associate “happiness” with “work.”

But maybe we should: Studies suggest that happy people are actually more productive and successful, and less likely to leave their jobs.

This quiz measures how happy you are when you’re on the clock. It’s based on research that has identified key factors to happiness at work.

For the first 20 items below, please select the response that best indicates how much you agree with each statement. There are no right or wrong answers, so please respond as honestly as possible. If you are an independent contractor, when you see “organization,” bring to mind people in your profession—that is, people who do the same kind of work as you. When you see “colleague,” bring to mind people who you interact with during work, such as clients, vendors, or peers in your field.

The final six questions will help our research team see how people’s levels of happiness at work relate to factors like gender, age, and profession.

When you're done, you'll get your happiness-at-work score, along with ideas for cultivating more happiness at work.

Any responses submitted here will never be shared with any organization outside the Greater Good Science Center under any circumstances, ever. All responses are anonymized and only used in aggregate for evaluation purposes.

At my work, I always persevere, even when things do not go well.
I try my hardest to perform well and often get immersed in my work.
I have a strong and reliable network of supportive colleagues at work.
I look forward to each new day at work.
I am true to myself at work in most situations.
At my workplace, we routinely thank each other for everyday efforts and contributions to success.
I enjoy talking about my work to other people.
The work we do in my organization serves a greater purpose.
I often ask for feedback so that I can improve my work performance.
I believe in giving help to my work colleagues, as well as asking for it.
There is a high level of trust throughout my workplace.
I view my work as contributing to my personal growth.
The work that I do fits well with my personal values and beliefs.
The humor my colleagues use makes the work more enjoyable.
I have developed some reliable ways to deal with the personal stress of challenging events at work.
I am careful to ensure that my work does not dominate my personal life.
Curiosity is the driving force behind much of what I do at work.
At my work, my colleagues and I think of each other as friends.
The tasks I have to do at work are in line with what I really want to be doing.
It is easy for me to recognize the day-to-day progress that I am making at work.
In terms of your gender identity, do you see yourself as:
What is your age?
Please select your ethnic background (if you identify with more than one ethnicity, select the one you identify with the most, or select multiethnic).
Which category best describes your work?
Which of the following best describes your current (or most recent) role in your organization:
Please provide your best estimate of your annual household income in USD (before taxes).