Send us your summer photos!

Got Gratitude?  Share it here!

Welcome to our community gratitude journal, open to all who’d like to express their thanks or share a happy thought.

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Summer’s great when grandchildren come to visit.
Texas Grandma

Grateful for ... “cakes, friends, nature, people who come when you call 911 and I’m grateful for everything.”
Tillie Jane, age 6 3/4

I’m happy my stepmom is coming for a visit!

I’m thankful that my four CASA kids are going to be adopted into happy families. And I’m thankful for people who adopt foster kids.
A Grateful Court Appointed Special Advocate

I’m thankful for a good night’s rest!

Thankful for all the birthday wishes today. I think it’s going to be a good year.
42 and Counting

I’m very, very grateful that we didn’t run out of gas on the interstate.
Janine Kovac

Send us your photos! Every week we post a photo submitted by one of our readers along with all the happy and thankful comments gathered throughout the week. 

To contribute, email your gratitude (a sentence or two would be great) or your favorite photo to Janine at

You can also contribute by commenting at the bottom of this post.  Please include: your name if you’d like us to use it and any other info you’d like us to list, e.g., if the “gratitude” is from one of your children, it would be great to know his or her age.

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