What do you want for your family in 2010? How about more peaceful dinnertimes? Calmer mornings getting ready for school? An end to nagging kids to do those boring but necessary tasks?


Here's how.

  1. Get Started
  2. Advertisement X

    First, learn a little something about the science of habit formation. Key take-away: change happens in stages, and if you skip a stage, your odds for success will be dramatically lower.

  3. Use the Happiness Habit Tracker
  4. Next, print out some new Happiness Habit Trackers. This tool will help you and your kids form new habits. Remember to make each step RIDICULOUSLY easy.

  5. Get kids to do boring (but necessary) tasks
  6. Replace rewards with this specific kind of encouragement.

If that isn't enough for you, take the test: Handle Bad Behavior in Public Places. This post is based on a real-life parenting moment.

Please write in with the best habits you've helped your kids form, and how you did it. Last week's posting about spirituality is getting some really good comments (I'm taking some heat!) so I'm looking forward to a juicy comment round-up next week.

Happy New Year, all.

© 2010 Christine Carter, Ph.D.

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