Got Gratitude? Share it here!

Welcome to our community gratitude journal, open to all who’d like to express their thanks or share a happy thought.

We need photos! Send us your pics of your Halloween costumes!

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I’m grateful that after a few teary weeks of kindergarten during which my daughter felt like she would never make any friends, she apparently has found a friend in “Beckett!”
Kindergarten Mom

For collecting just one more batch of fallen apples from our golden delicious tree…for one more batch of homemade applesauce…
the Newell Family

Today I’m grateful my daughter seems to be fine after I fell down with her in my arms, grateful my hand is not broken, grateful I’m making progress on my dissertation, grateful I have a date night with my husband tonight and really, really, really grateful for my wonderful friends. And coffee. Thank you, ye gods, for the coffee.

I am grateful for being able wake up every morning to look forward to a better day.

Make a ‘s’ but do not wait, go back around and close the gate!
I’m thankful for poems.
chiara age five 5 trnen six n febuare 6

I am thankful for my friend’s good spirits in the face of chemotherapy.

I’m grateful for all the time I get to spend in the company of friends who are supportive, creative, and generous.
Janine Kovac

Every week we post a photo submitted by one of our readers along with all the happy and thankful comments gathered throughout the week.

To contribute, email your gratitude (a sentence or two would be great) or your favorite photo to Janine at

You can also contribute gratitudes by commenting at the bottom of this post. Please include: your name if you’d like us to use it and any other info you’d like us to list, e.g., if the “gratitude” is from one of your children, it would be great to know their age.


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